Ham Radio Conditions/MUF

We are starting our Rocky Mountain Survival Search and Rescue (RMSSAR) net. We are hoping that you will join us internationally on HF, and locally on 2 Meters. Please contact me, W7WWD, at rmssar@gmail.com for information on times and frequencies.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Two X Class Solar Flares

Two X class solar flares (now 3), both rated about X3 on a scale of 1-10 may cause some communications outages today and for the next couple of days.  Solar flares are scaled  C1-10, M1-10 and the highest X1-10.  It hasn't been proven but there are some who believe that major earthquakes are triggered within a couple of days of the occurrence of an X class flare.

You can see just how much solar weather, and magnetic flux we may experience based on those scales.  We are on the highest level, however we are on the lower end of that.  Most  Solar Flares are closer to C-9 to M-5.

Satellites are the most susceptible to this type and strength of radiation, but Ham radio HF frequencies may also be interfered with due to the thickening of the Ionosphere causing radical skip patterns.  This is one of the reasons that CB radios and to a small extent ham radios do not do too well in the summer months.  When the Ionosphere thickens......Skip becomes almost unbearable for local AM (CB) communications.  However VHF/UHF ham radios using FM mode do not see much if any interference or degradation in signal reception.

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