Throughout history there seem to have been a few people who were different than the general population. They seemed to be more sensitive to their surroundings and conditions. They seem to be the ones who saw the deer first, on the mountain, and always seem to be where the game was. They seem to have been the "Watchmen" on the walls. They had more sensitivity in spiritual things, and could feel things happening before they happened.
I remember watching "Patton", and with all of his quirks, and even with a belief in reincarnation, as a leader, you would have been hard pressed to find a more dynamic person. As he would say: " I have been here before. I have fought here before." Now whether that was because in his mind he had read so much history that he really believed that in his subconscious mind, he had been there before..I guess this is debatable. But we must admit that he was one of the most dynamic, and successful generals during WWII. He even saw through Stalin's tactics for a land grab in Europe to enhance the power of the USSR after the War. He wanted to engage the Russians right there and then so that we would not have to do it in the future, because he believed that this future event would happen.Where would we be now if the Allies had taken his advice? Would we have seen the extermination of the millions of people in the USSR after the War. Many of them were Christians who bucked the Communist Rule. Another gifted leader was General Douglas MacArthur. If we had followed his advice during the Korean War, where would be be in our relations to China, and, would there have actually been a Communist China if we had followed his desires? Think of the millions of people who would have escaped the condemnation of Mao! Who knows!
So in this day and age I would submit that there are the same type people here now who are sensitive to the trials that will surely come, and have been preparing for that time. And, this gift is spread throughout the world for a small group of people. It doesn't require one to be a General, or even a great leader to have this gift. I know in my case, I have been inspired to learn all that I can about preparedness. It is an unending thirst. For nearly 40 years it has been a consuming passion. I am always surprised when I meet other people who will tell me that they have had those feelings and deep rooted passions too. Unfortunately, we are all derided as "kooks, or wing nuts" among the general population, if we say anything about preparedness or survival to those who cannot see and are not sensitive to these things.
These people feel that the "Quickening" or that the"Last Days" or a time of change is upon us. Those that are readers of the Holy Scriptures are also aware of many of the prophecies that have literally come to pass, just as they were written. There are those who dream dreams. In those dreams they are warned to "get ready" for something to happen. Many are just uneasy, and can tell that there are things happening that shouldn't be happening, and so they continue to prepare for some uncertain times ahead . They seem to feel that they have lost control of their lives. This causes great stresses in their lives because, of this dichotomy They try to help others to see, and then get ridiculed and ostracised from the group.
These are the few that I am looking for
There are few of them, and they are scattered all around the world, and they have a purpose for being where they are. They are as the "salt" or the "leavening" to the bread of mankind and it is my belief that they will be used to help, comfort and rescue their family and neighbors who for one reason or another have not or could not prepare for themselves.
These people are the ones who have purchased food storage, tents, medications, water storage and training instead of purchasing the "Toys" of the world. These are the few that were as the Little Red Hen: Preparing the bread, and just as the Little Red Hen, you get part of the bread if you helped or prepared yourself and your family. These are the few who have listen, watched and wondered while we have seen our country fall into immorality and debauchery. These are they who have watched as their retirements and investments have been lost and squandered by the money brokers. These are they who trusted our leaders to do the right things, and have been disappointed continually as they move along this same path.
These are the FEW that I am looking for. You know who you are, because it is touching your heart right now as you read this.
What I propose is:
1. A communications system, set up using Ham Radio equipment to link all of those in RMSSAR together. We will then have information from all over to keep us apprised of the conditions in different parts of the United State, and in the World.
2. A local organization in every neighborhood with access to High Frequency Ham Radio that can keep in touch with the rest of the groups.
3. "Families" of at least 5-10 couples or more and families who gather together to give support, sustenance, and security to each other until normalcy returns, or a form thereof.
4. Groups who have chosen areas where they can move to, with larger groups of "Families" who may have access to medical, dental care, education, food and clothing and SECURITY if the turbulence continues for more than a year.
5. A group of Search and Rescue (SAR) individuals who have the ability and training and resources to gather the families together who have been beset by gangs, or other unlawful groups or forces, and are in fear of their lives. In other words, a Rescue Squad (s) so to speak that has the training and ability to travel, and "Bring them HOME" by barter or whatever means necessary to complete their task. This is why it is so important to gain access to a HF Ham Radio, so that we can communicate where and what is needed.
Understand this first and foremost: RMSSAR do not condone nor discuss conspiracy theories. There may be truth to some of these theories, however we are not concerned with this. Our primary purpose is to as conditions warrant, search or to go to those who have contacted us via HF Ham Radio, and rescue those good people in dire straits, and bring them home and to safety. We support fully the constitutional law of the land, and the duly elected leaders as required by the constitutional laws of the land. We pledge to maintain that Constitution in the event that it falls prey to those who are evil, We ask that members of this group are morally clean, do not drink alcohol to excess, smoke, or use drugs, and most of all have a belief in a Higher Power I call him God. We are not perfect but we strive to be and do the best they can in all we do: If we fall, we always get back up.
RMSSAR is NOT a militia. We have no intentions for preemptive and agressive action, only defensive. If you have inclinations in this area. Please Stay Away from us: You will not fit in. If you desire specialized self defense/Survival training welcome aboard. We are a group of people who desire to serve their families, neighbors, communities and last but not least, their Nation.
RMSSAR have there own website please feel free to link to it when it activated. For a while it will be an open site, but eventually will become private as the membership grows. Information will be of a specific nature, but will not be open to the general public. We hope to be able to give you information as we receive it from our different contacts across the nation and world: As a guide to give you information that may not be readily available. We will upon the demise of the Internet and the phone system be a network of radios to keep in contact across the neighborhood, city, county, state, nation and world.
If any of you have inclinations or feelings in these ways, contact me at for further information and an application.
Contact Dallas at