Ham Radio Conditions/MUF

We are starting our Rocky Mountain Survival Search and Rescue (RMSSAR) net. We are hoping that you will join us internationally on HF, and locally on 2 Meters. Please contact me, W7WWD, at rmssar@gmail.com for information on times and frequencies.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Glenn Beck's 37 Items Sold Out in an Emergency

37 Food Items sold out after Crisis List.

1. Water
2. Pasta
3. Rice
4. Canned Soup
5. Canned Meat
6. Canned Veggies
7. Canned Fruit.
8. Popcorn
9. Salt
10. Milk- (Condensed or powdered)
11. Cereal
12. Beef Jerky
13. Grains
14. Cooking Oil
15. Sports Drinks.
16. Nuts
17. Pickles
18. Dried Fruit
19. Spices
20. Honey
21. Crackers
22. Baking Essentials (flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder)
23. Power Bars
24. Instant Rice
25. Coffee
26. Alcohol
27. Hard Candies
28. Dehydrated Canned Entrees
29. Juice powders
30. Protein drinks
31. Peanut Butter
32. Long Lasting treats. (Twinkies, pop tarts)
33. Salsa ( flavor for eggs, rice, meats)
34. Ramen Noodles
35. Fresh Fruit
36. Baby Food/Special Needs food items.
37. Pet Food.

He also suggested another great addition to add. Amaranth seeds. Grows in very little water.

There is another list of OTHER IMPORTANT LISTS..
Top 10 Must Have Non-food Essentials

1. Sources of Light
2. Means of cooking
3. First aid Items
4. Garden Seeds
5. Personal Hygiene Items
6. Weapons and Ammo
7. Baby/Elder care items.
8. Bleach
9. Water Filtration system
10. Energy Source

1 comment:

  1. Id like to add something I learned in survival school in the us army 2 things to add to a first aid kit that someone would never expect ist super glue works very well for closing deep cuts and sugar it is good for clotting blood quickly and can also be used in a pinch for a diabetic crash sincerely ssg mechling formerly U.S. Army Special Forces



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