Ham Radio Conditions/MUF

We are starting our Rocky Mountain Survival Search and Rescue (RMSSAR) net. We are hoping that you will join us internationally on HF, and locally on 2 Meters. Please contact me, W7WWD, at rmssar@gmail.com for information on times and frequencies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I was remembering some past things presently.  I remember one of the best pieces of advice that I pulled from my experience at the university....BYU....was given to me by one of my first business professors, who just happened to be Dr  Dean Taylor, the elderly Dean of the School of Business.  He presented a lecture on the method of making decisions.  I have always had some difficulty in making decisions.  So, his advice was music to my ears, and was ingrained in my memory.  He said, "There are two ways to make decisions.  One way is to take all of the empirical evidence and crunch the  numbers, then do a "gut check" and see what the "gut" says.  If the "gut" says no and the empirical evidence says yes....go for it but with the understanding that you may be treading on thin ice.  If the "gut" says yes and the empirical evidence says no...proceed  with care but proceed anyway.  If the "gut" says yes and the empirical evidence says yes....Go for it."  He also said, "Don't take things too seriously.  If you go overboard you will ruin your life and your health".

Over the months we have talked about a lot of things that could be taken so seriously that if one were to go overboard on the information, one could literally go broke financially, and worry so much that their family and personal life would deteriorate considerably.  In response to this I plead with you who read this site to use discreation in what you do, and how you take this information.  There is nothing that I put in here that I don't believe is good stuff to learn.  But to learn all of it at once in folly in the greatest degree.  Read, study, get your own empirical information and then get the "gut feel".  The gut feel comes from prayer and contemplation.  Make your decision based on Dean Taylor's formula and then relax and enjoy your family and your life.

Now to that end I would like to suggest a couple of things.....this time in New York City at the United Nations may be a pivoting point for our economic and military future.  If we side with Israel which I believe we will do we will be heartily punished by those in the Middle East, and our oil prices will increase dramatically for a time.  However, this is the wrong time for this action.  It will cause inflation not only in fuel prices, but since much of our industrial production and all of our transportation is based greatly on petroleum and our government refuses to utilize our own resources you can plan on a steep slope and an increase speed due to that slope in our economic collapse......$5-6 gas, and diesel/kerosene commensurately higher.  This causes, higher prices in food, transportation, and air transportation.

On the other hand if we side with the most of the rest of the world and side on the Arab cause, we must expect Israel to prepare for war immediately.  If Obama presses the Israeli's to move to the pre '67 war boundaries this will most certainly happen.  Since the "Arab Spring" has been so successful, it will not be long before we will see a major move by Israel to bolster their IDF people.

So....maybe store up on some fuel.  Plan for less personal travel.  Buy a couple of extra cases of soup, and keep storing the water.

Keep your chin up....cheers.....DWB

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