Ham Radio Conditions/MUF

We are starting our Rocky Mountain Survival Search and Rescue (RMSSAR) net. We are hoping that you will join us internationally on HF, and locally on 2 Meters. Please contact me, W7WWD, at rmssar@gmail.com for information on times and frequencies.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Food Storage Gems I Learned this Week.

What a great week! Here are some miscellaneous food storage gems I learned this week.
  • Reactive vs. Proactive - one is prepared and the other isn't.
  • Self Relient is being "FREE."
  • When it comes to storing food - think, "What would I do if?" And then plan accordingly.
  • What destroys your food storage? 1) Heat, 2) Light, 3) Pests, 4) Moisture and 5) Air.
  • Did you know that you can keep eggs on the shelf for 7 months? Take your eggs, rub them with Mineral Oil (the lubercant/laxative type) and place them back in the egg carton (if its cardboard, but syran wrap in the bottom - since the eggs will be oily) with the pointy end down (so the air pocket with be up). Just remember to rotate (use the older eggs first). This way you will have fresh eggs for 7 months.
  • If you put an egg in a class of water and it stays verticle it is still fresh. If it's tilted, its still fresh. It may not be fresh if its horizontal. The only difference between a new egg and an older egg is the yolk won't be as puffy. But then if you put it back in the frig, it will be puffy once again.
I know this is short, but I am so tired, I can't think straight. If you have questions, just ask!


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