Ham Radio Conditions/MUF

We are starting our Rocky Mountain Survival Search and Rescue (RMSSAR) net. We are hoping that you will join us internationally on HF, and locally on 2 Meters. Please contact me, W7WWD, at rmssar@gmail.com for information on times and frequencies.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Food Storage - Bare Minimum Basics

Basic storage is the foundation of any good food storage program. it is composed of life-sustaining foods that store well for long periods of time. A year's supply of garden seeds for planting should be stored so that the diet may be supplemented with fresh vegetables. When garden space is limited, a multiple vitamin pill sold also be stored for daily use by each person during a long period of emergency. Vitamins deteriorate over time and must be replaced by the expiration date on the container.

The following recommendations are estimated for an average adult. The amounts in the left-hand column supply about 2300 calories per day for 1 year. The amounts in the right hand column supply about 2400 calories a day for a 1 year.

 300 pounds
 400 pounds
 60 pounds
 60 pounds
 20 pounds
 Fats and Oils
 10 quarts
 60 pounds
 59 pounds
 75 pounds
 Powder Milk*
 16 pounds
 5 pounds
 8 pounds

*16 pounds of milk supplies only 1 cup of milk per day and is not enough for growing children or pregnant/nursing mothers.

Garden Seeds - Hallelujah for non-hybrid seeds! Honeyville Farms (where I work) has carried the non-hybrid garden seeds, culinary herb, and fruits. But now we also have Ancient Grains, Salsa, and Medicinal Herbs. These seeds store for 4-5 years and even longer in colder temperatures.

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